For a pre-existing medical condition to be covered while travelling, it must have been stable for a certain number of months preceding the effective date of the coverage. We consider a medical condition to be stable if it meets the stability conditions established in the insurance policy. 

Any condition deemed unstable will be excluded. 

Coverage Stability Period

Emergency Medical Care 

Package Plans
Top-up Insurance
Visitors to Canada 

For a pre-existing medical condition (injury, illness) to be covered while travelling, this condition must have been stable during the 3 or 6 months preceding the effective date of the coverage, i.e., the date of departure. 

  • 54 years and under: 3 months before departure
  • 55 years and over: 6 months before departure 

Trip Cancellation or Interruption 

Package Plans 

For a pre-existing medical condition to be covered, this condition must have been stable during the 3 months preceding the effective date of the coverage. 

  • 0 to 99 years: 3 months before the effective date of the coverage 

For the Annual, the stability period of the Trip Cancellation or Interruption coverage is calculated from the latest of the following dates:

  • From the date of purchase of the contract
  • From the date of the first non-refundable payment


Option: Reduced Stability Period

Eligible clients can reduce the 6-month stability period required under Emergency Medical Care coverage to a 3-month period. To be eligible, the client must meet the following criteria:


  • Be 55 to 59 and travelling 18 days or more, or
  • Be 60 to 84, all trip durations


  • They must purchase Emergency Medical Care coverage under an Individual or Package plan
  • They must purchase the option before their departure date
