Travel tips

October 13, 2017

Heading south for the winter? With so many Canadians spending all or part of the season in the Sun Belt, demand for vacation rentals is high, and finding a place that fits your needs and budget can be a challenge.

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September 14, 2017

Arriving at your chosen destination in seemingly perfect health is an ideal that most travellers aspire to. Here are some tips on how to prepare, enjoy and return from your trip in good health.

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August 12, 2017

Les personnes avec un handicap comptent souvent sur un chien-guide pour les aider à effectuer leurs activités quotidiennes. Ces animaux bénéficient d’un traitement particulier lors des voyages de leur maître.

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June 14, 2017

With more families living farther apart in different cities and regions across Canada and abroad, family reunions are the perfect occasion to bring everyone together. In fact, visiting relatives is one of the main reasons Canadians travel.

Obviously the most important detail when planning a reunion is location. It has to be as convenient as possible for most folks. So where will you meet? Will a local venue work? Or is there a destination you’ve always wanted to visit ?

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March 20, 2017

Outside of the United States, Mexico, Cuba and the Dominican Republic are among Canadians’ top three destinations when heading south. Get off the beaten path and discover our picks of other sunny destinations down south.

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November 1, 2016

Road trips are not just a summertime thing. Many Canadians plan road trips during the winter months. They travel south to get a reprieve from the winter weather, take trips up north to go skiing and many people plan road trips to see family and friends over the holidays.

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