Term life insurance, the simple way to protect your loved ones
Published on: February 13, 2022
Nobody likes thinking about why they need life insurance, but there’s a simple and affordable way to keep your loved ones protected—with a Blue Cross term life insurance policy.
Why you need it
Just married? First house? New baby? Growing financial obligations? As you make your way through life, your circumstances change. And new circumstances often bring new responsibilities and needs, especially when it comes to life insurance.
One of the easiest and most flexible ways to protect your loved ones and secure their financial future is to purchase a Blue Cross term life insurance policy. Term life, as its familiarly known, will provide for your family if something happens to you, whether it’s by helping pay off the mortgage on your home, covering the cost of your children’s education, or simply ensure there’s cash on hand to settle outstanding bills and debts.
In short, it’s a great way to make sure the people you care about aren’t financially impacted if you should die prematurely.
So how exactly does term life insurance work
Term life insurance is just what it says, a form of protection that covers you for a predetermined period of time. That’s why it’s the most affordable type of life insurance you can buy. Term life policies typically run for anywhere from 5 to 30 years. At Blue Cross, we offer 10-, 20-, and 25-year terms. You choose the amount of coverage and the duration of the policy based on your needs.
The bottom line when buying life insurance is to realistically assess your needs and make sure you purchase enough insurance to cover them. If you have a young family and a new house, for example, you’ll be thinking ahead to the needs of your children as they grow into adulthood. On the other hand, if all you want is some extra protection to cover short-term financial obligations that you’ve taken on, your needs are likely to be less and your time horizon shorter.
In many cases, you may already have a life insurance policy through your employer. While workplace policies often make a good foundation, they may not provide enough coverage to protect you and your family as your needs grow. Term insurance can be a great solution for topping up coverage during the years when extra protection is crucial.
Fast, easy, and affordable!
You may well be convinced that it’s important to be properly insured, but if you’re like most people, the idea of buying life insurance is more likely to generate groans than smiles. At Blue Cross, we know you’ve got better things to do, which is why we do everything we can to make the whole process as quick and painless as possible.
A few seconds and a few quick questions is all it takes to get a quote. And the whole online application process takes only about 15 minutes. You can talk to a Blue Cross agent at any time if you have questions or want more information, but you don’t need to do so to complete your application. Better yet, if you’re under 45, you can get up to $1 million in Blue Cross coverage without having to take a medical exam!
The earlier the better
As you know, the statistical risk of having health problems increases with age—just like the cost of life insurance. Term policies are no exception, which is why it’s smart to purchase a policy when you’re young and healthy to lock in your premiums at the lowest possible rate. Obviously, the price will vary depending on the amount of coverage you choose, but with a term life policy, your monthly or yearly premiums are guaranteed for the duration, no matter how long or short.
So remember: Term life insurance may not be the most exciting topic in the world, but it’s an important one for you and your family’s financial well-being—and for your peace of mind.